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BALINESE Dance Theatre


14 - 15 January

L'incredibile storia del re Bedahulu Milan by Scuola media Istituto Comprensivo Narcisi via Ugo Pisa

7 February

L'incredibile storia del re Bedahulu Rome by Laboratorium Teatro - Centro di Ricerca e Sperimentazione Teatrale - Via Leopoldo Ruspoli, 87  Roma/Portuense Tel/Fax 06.45477049 www.laboratoriumteatro.it

6-7-8 February


The Actor & the Mask

Workshop by Laboratorium Teatro - Centro di Ricerca e Sperimentazione Teatrale - Via Leopoldo Ruspoli, 87  Roma/Portuense Tel/Fax 06.45477049 www.laboratoriumteatro.it

19 February

L'incredibile storia del re Bedahulu Bussero (Milan) by Scuola media Istituto Comprensivo Monte Grappa via Di Vittorio,1 10.00 & 12.00 a.m.

21 February


Keras manis workshop of balinese dance

Bonate Sotto (BG) from 2.30 till 18 p.m.

info Cecilia 035 4942190

4/5/6/7/8 March

L'incredibile storia del re Bedahulu Palermo by Teatro delle Balate
via delle Balate 3-5


4/5/6/7/8 Marzo


The Actor & the Mask

Workshop by Teatro delle Balate
via delle Balate 3-5 Palermo


20 21 22 March


The Actor & the Mask

Workshop by Teatro La Madrugada - via Orti 16 Milan - 02 54102094


17 May


Keras Manis workshop on balinese dance

Bonate Sotto (BG) 9.30 - 17

info Cecilia Mazzariello 328 7741901

7 June

L'incredibile storia del re Bedahulu Campodimele (Latina)
by TcE Teatri contro Esclusione

4 September

L'incredibile storia del re Bedahulu Festival Teatrale Migrantes - Bosa (Sardinia)

23 Septemebr

L'incredibile storia del re Bedahulu

Museo del Crudo - S.Sperate (Sardinia)


16 October


17-18 October

Topeng: masks from the island of Gods

Dance and Music in Balinese Theatre

Lecture demonstration by Teatro di Quingentole (Mantova)


Workshop by Teatro di Quingentole (Mantova)

7-8 November


Keras Manis workshop on balinese dance

Bonate Sotto (BG) 9.30 - 17

info Cecilia Mazzariello 328 7741901


Via Crucis
music by Franz Liszt
13 - 27 -29 of march 2009 5.30 p. m.
Bergamo Alta - Chuch of S. Andrea
piano & armonium Daniele & Davide Trivella
put on stage & performed by Enrico Masseroli


Laboratories & Projects

january - may

Balinese Theatre dance music & masks

Project "MUS -E " by primary schools "Deledda"  "Alighieri" e "Casazza" in Brescia    www.mus-e.it

from january to may every monday and wednesday 17 January performnce

2 June

Theatre Project
Il Maestrale teatro

Lo scrigno, il Lupo e le Foglie


Palazzolo sull'Oglio (BS) Aula magna scuola Matin Luther King via Dogane www.ilmaestrale.eu

Capriolo (BS)

Palazzolo sull'Oglio (BS) Aula magna scuola Matin Luther King via Dogane

15 June 7 11 July

Theatre workshop

by C.R.E. Oratorio Redona (Bergamo)

20-24 September

Danzare sui trampoli Laboratorio

ANTAS Teatro S. Sperate (CA) www.antasteatro.it

17 November- 20 February '10

Arti d'attore

Teatrando (Bergamo) scuola di teatro www.leacque.com


The Pirate Ship & Zirkus Meer


1o Juky Notte Bianca Mittersill (Austria)
12 september Notte Bianca Cividate al Piano (BG)

TcE Teatri contro Esclusione

5-6-7 June Campodimele & Minturno (LT)


Urban Theatre

Metro-cult Day - Milano 18 April

4.30 p.m. Giardini di via Valtorta lungo la Martesana Bestiaria a Ovest delle Martesana A project of Teatro la Madrugada for " Provincia di Milano"

Suite orientale

30 May Brescia centro La strada international Festival
19 - 20 - 21 June Rivarolo Mantovano Lizzagone renaissance feast
11 July Casalpusterlengo Notte Bianca
11 September Rome Giardino degli Aranci 15° Festival Internazionale del Teatro Urbano www.abraxa.it
6 December Villa d'ALmè (Bergamo) Festa in centro (via Mazzini, ore 15)


Dalla via della seta

co-production with Teatro La Madrugada

21-26 August by International Theatre Festival "Il Gesto e L'Anima" Santa Severina (Crotone)

by Hildegard von Bingen

with the music international ensemble direted by Stefan Morent
gesture language reconstruction by Sebastiana Papa
choreography and staging byEnrico Masseroli


    The Pirate Ship