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BALINESE Dance Theatre

5 & 6 January

The incredible story of King Bedahulu

Rome by Laboratorium Teatro - Centro di Ricerca e Sperimentazione Teatrale - Via Leopoldo Ruspoli, 87  Roma/Portuense Tel/Fax 06.45477049 www.laboratoriumteatro.it

7 - 11 January


The Actor & the Mask

Rome - by Laboratorium Teatro - Centro di Ricerca e Sperimentazione Teatrale - Via Leopoldo Ruspoli, 87  Roma/Portuense Tel/Fax 06.45477049 www.laboratoriumteatro.it

18/19/20 January


The Actor & the Mask

Milan - by Teatro La Madrugada- Centro di Ricerca e Sperimentazione Teatrale - Via Orti 16   Tel 0254102094 www.teatrolamadrugada.com

10/15/17 February


The Actor & the Mask

Bergamo by Bilico Teatro www.bilicoteatro.org

February till May

Balinese Theatre dance music & masks

"MUS -E Project" by primary school "Deledda"  and "Alighieri" in Brescia    www.mus-e.it


Balinese Culture

by scuola materna di Boccaleone (Bergamo)

26 August

The incredible story of King Bedahulu

Theatre Festival in Santa Severina (Calabria)

3 September

Masks from the island of Gods

lecture /demonstration Überseemuseum Bremen

10 October

Life & Theatre in Bali

workshop by "Scuola di Cura del sé" DIA Associazione Dialogico-Dialettica

24/25/26 October

The Theatre of Gods

workshop on Dances & Masks of Bali by Araucaima Teater - via Stezzano 33 - Azzano San Paolo (BG)

15 November

The incredible story of King Bedahulu

TAE Teatro - spazio Bunker - via Bellini 6 Treviglio (BG)

20 December

Topeng 3 masls



With Gamelan Cara Bali

6 September Bremen Uebersee museum topeng keras, tua, manis, penasar / Instrumental / Jauk

Workshops & Special Projects


from January till May

29 february & 1 march

24 May

9 November

17 November - 23 December

Special Theatre Project

final performance Lo scrigno e... il lupo

Lo scrigno, il lupo e le Foglie

Phisical & vocal training

Palazzolo sull'Oglio (BS) organised by www.ilmaestrale.eu

9 p.m. Aula magna scuola Martin Luther King Palazzolo s/O (BS)

9 p. m. Teatro dell'Oratorio di San Pancrazio

5 p.m. Aula magna scuola Martin Luther King Palazzolo s/O (BS)

every Monday & Wednesday

January - February

Fisical Training

by scuola di teatro della compagnia Le Acque - Bergamo www.leacque.com

January - February

pre-expressiv / fisical-vocal Stage

by CSC (Ex biblioteca Grumello del Piano) Via Gorizia 6/g Bergamo. Zona Grumellina

May - June

Stilts dance

Rivarolo Mantovano (MN) "Lizzagone 2008"

9 June - 5 July

Joggling and acrobatic workshop

Redona estate 2008 (BG)


The Pirate Ship & Zirkus Meer


26 - 27 January

Innsbruck Urlaubsmesse
Chinese tumbler - stilts - chinese lyon -

3 february Bergamo/Redona
I tarocchi di Babele - stilts - chinese lyon - tighrope

Street Theatre

Dalla via della seta

with Teatro La Madrugada

22 Giugno Ferrara Barcollanti Festival www.barcollanti.net
6 luglio Milano Giardino della Madia, via Fonseca Pimentel 5




by Hildegard von Bingen

with the music international ensemble direted by Stefan Morent
gesture language reconstruction by Sebastiana Papa
choreography and staging byEnrico Masseroli



    The Pirate Ship