Sidha Karya : the divine Stranger

Rita Colani
Veronica Piccoli
Renato Carminati
Luciano Togni
Massimiliano Panza
Paolo Cucchi
Jos Olivini
Saveria Savidya
Maurizio Bolis
Enrico Masseroli
Gangsa pemade metallophoneo
Gangsa pemade metallophono
Suling flute
Kendang drum
Reyong metallophono
Reyong metallophono
performer & director


"...Cet ensemble lancinant plein de fusées, de fuites, de canaux, des détours dans tous les sens de la perception externe et interne, compose du théâtre une idée souveraine, et telle qu’elle nous paraît conservée à travers les siècles pour nous apprendre ce que le théâtre n’aurait jamais dû cesser d’être . . ." (Antonin Artaud "Sur le théâtre balinaise" in Le théâtre et son double).

In the island of Bali theatre, music and dance are the very core of social and religious life, the expression of a culture where aesthetic and devotion are harmoniously linked.

Topeng is one of the most old and popular style of the Balinese theatre. Its performance celebrates, between myth and history, the epos of old courts, providing as well an hilarious entertainment for everybody. When only one performer plays all the masked characters, as by ceremonies, it is called Topeng “pajegan” (mixture). The actor changes in sight the amazing wooden masks giving (receiving, in Balinese eyes) life to ministers, kings and fools. The order of their entries show the feudal hierarchy and approaches the opposite aspect of life, from sacred to trivial, refined dances and sketches “Commedia dell’arte” alike. In our translated version the musicians are involved too in the tale, wearing masks in the central scene.

Among the stories of the Topeng’s repertory, that of “Sidha Karya” shows a conflict ever present: the relationship with the stranger, the other, different and unknown: The old and noble Brahmin Brahmana Sangkya arrives from Java to attend an important ceremony of reconciliation with ButhaKala (demons) presided over by King Watu Rengong, monarch of the Balinese golden age in the sixteenth century. Very soon misfortune befalls the country: disasters, disease, violence. The king, having to find, according to his role, the cause of the ailment, remembers that old man beaten up and order to find him. Thus he discovers who he really is: the son of the priest who helped his father to the throne, in fact his spiritual brother. The "recognized foreigner" restores harmony in fulfilling the previous interrupted ceremony, by throwing rice grains of different colors in the four directions. Clear the moral admonition: a people can not live happily and in peace if a stranger the is casted like an enemy. A society unable to incorporate positively what is potentially destructive, is vulnerable. "The other" is our brother.

Since then his presence, under the deified name "Siddha Karya", literally " who has the power to complete the work (the rite)", will be necessary for the proper achievement of each ceremony of Topeng. His mask, with big bulging eyes and long fingernails, appears frightening and terrifying, at the same time feared and waited by children (sometimes he grabs one, pretending to kidnap him, and then offers him candy and coins).
His vigorous and wild dance raises the hilarious amazement of onlookers and the attention of the demons, thus allowing the high priest (who works in Balinese temple very closed) to carry out undisturbed his ritual prayer to sanctify the water.


Baris literally means line (of soldiers). It 's an ancient warrior dance of ritual initiation, through which young boys show their physical maturity. In ceremonies it’s present in over 20 different styles, for groups ranging from 4 to 60 dancers. The solo form marks the transition from ritual participation to artistic virtuosity, a sequence of quick shots and short balances: surrounded by mysterious and hostile presences, the dancer is moved by creative energy with impeccable control. A tough challenge for the musicians to follow his darting!

Cewek Cantik (beautiful maiden) music composed by E. Masseroli

      Sidha Karya the divine stranger
The masks and their characters (in order of appearance)

Topeng Keras Minister. He who puts into practice the provisions of the king. Strong and resolute.
Topeng Keras Lucu funny (lucu) Minister. Bully and prankster.
Topeng Tua Old and wise counselor, can not conceal the ailments of his age.
Penasar Chamberlain. Servant witty and jovial. He’s the key character of Topeng, the "story teller". He translates from Kawi, the ancient literary language, into the three Balinese languages. The bridge between Indo-Javanese and Indo-Balinese cultures, linking the ancient feudal court and the people.
Topeng Dalem King. A symbol of perfection in his androgynous figure: his dance combines male vigorous poses to female sinuous and elegant movements
Bramana Sangkya The elderly priest, coming from Java, the protagonist of our story.
Bonderes (fools) Grotesque common people, enjoy complete freedom of expression. They can interact with the episode, as well as launching into impromptu raids in actuality. Four in this show:
Pak Es ice cream seller, very excited as deaf.
Orang Toris tourist "by chance", changes ad hoc his linguistic connotation
Nyoman Semariani girl with apish face, flirting and claiming her irresistible charm
Bondesa Tua old village chief, nostalgic and desperate.
Watu Rengong The King in the Balinese “Golden Age” (XVI century)
Sidha Karya deified form of Brahman Sangkya concludes the play as sacred mask. Independently from the episode narrated, all representations of ritual Topeng traditionally must be fulfilled by his appearance. Feared but awaited by children, sometimes pretends to kidnap one, before throwing candy and ritual coins. With his offer, which lays down on the ground in the inner side of the temple to feed evil spirits, he joins the performance to the concomitant liturgy.

Tabuh Penutup (traditional final music cue)

Hujan Mas (Golden rain) famous music composition of the ’30, in Kebyar style.

Technical requirements:

The show can be presented in any space both indoors and outdoors.

Stage area minimum. 6 x 6 meters. Available at least 3 hours prior, to setting up and sound check.

Lighting: a fixed set without beamer, possibly coming from sides, with warm colors (amber / orange / pink / yellow jellies).

Duration: 75' ca.