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January – March Arti d'Attore: a study of "Romeo & Juliet" by W. Shakespaeare third year of theatre school "Teatrando" www.leacque.com
February 17/18/19 TAKSU: the actor and the mask Macerata MASKAKARMA festival www.ilteatrodeipicari.it
March 18/19/20 TAKSU: the actor and the mask Milano OCA Officine Creative Ansaldo info 3482214089 andreacavarra@gmail.com
April 8/9/10/11 Masterclass with I Made Djimat & E. Masseroli Milano OCA Officine Creative Ansaldo
April 14 - 10 a.m. Gamelan! Balinese music for childreen Bergamo Auditorium piazza della Libertà www.auditoriumarts.it
from 17 of April till 2 of May workshops with I Made Djimat, I Wayan Koplin & E. Masseroli Residenza Teatrale "Le arti del Gesto" Cotronei (KR) www.leartidelgesto.it
May 4/5 Masterclass with I Made Djimat & E. Masseroli Milan RegulaContraRegulam www.regulacontraregulam.eu
May 10/11/12 Workshop with I Made Djimat & E. Masseroli Ranica(BG) www.isabelleilcapriolo.com
October 13
10-13 a.m. / 2-5 p.m.
Keras / Manis Balinese dance workshop Milan by Anabasi Arteinmovimento www.anabasi.org
from October 16
every wednesday 6 - 8.30 p.m.
To Bali, to Bali... permanent laboratory on Balinese theatre, dance and music Ranica (BG) by spazio Isabelle www.isabelleilcapriolo.com
November 16
3 - 6.15 p.m.
Balinese dance stage Keras / Manis Milan by Mudrarte www.mudrarte.com

    The Pirate Ship